Mortgage payments


This is to be completed individually, not with another person.

Write a program to calculate monthly mortgage payments.

The program takes three GET inputs:

  • Principal, e.g., 100000. Required, numeric, more than zero, less than one billion.
  • Annual interest rate, e.g., 3.92. Required, numeric, more than zero, less than 20.
  • Term in years, e.g., 30. Required, numeric, more than zero, less than 50.

Be sure to:

  • Validate all values.
  • Use validation functions.
  • Put the functions in a code library.
  • Show appropriate error messages.
  • Show all error messages that apply.
  • Round payments to two decimal places.
  • Put your name in the footer.

Show output as in the samples. You do not need to match the style exactly.

If the payments are less than $2,000, show the message "You should get two doggos." Otherwise, show "You should get a doggo."

Submit a URL of your solution, and a zip of your files. The usual coding standards apply.

Where referenced